Course Work: BVW
Building Virtual Worlds (BVW) is the fundamental course of Entertainment Technology Center. Here are some playthrough videos of the worlds me and my teammates created during spring semester in 2012. Worlds are built with UNITY running on PCs. Inputs include Wiimote, PS Move, Kinect, Jam-o-Drum, Phidgets, Joysticks and Wheel controller.
See more about BVW in here.
See more about BVW in here.
Featured World: The Chase
The Chase is the world our team has built for the BVW Festival on Spring 2012. This is a multiplayer driving game running on local network. It tells a story about a legendary thief steals jewelry from museum and triggers the alarm, then gets herself into a classical police-criminal chase scene.
Player can choose their role from one of the following: the museum thief, the police car, and the police helicopter. The objective of the thief is to escape out of the city before getting cornered by ground police cars. The helicopter could provide air support, telling the whereabouts of the thief while shooting freeze beams to stop the thief from running. Ground police cars can run into the thief and crash her motorcycle. The thief gets caught after four direct hits.
The video below shows the gameplay by putting the players' screen all together. The thief's view is on the top-right corner, helicopter is on the top-left corner, two police cars are at the bottom of the screen. One more server has been setup to synchronize the position and events in game.
The video below shows the gameplay by putting the players' screen all together. The thief's view is on the top-right corner, helicopter is on the top-left corner, two police cars are at the bottom of the screen. One more server has been setup to synchronize the position and events in game.
Me and Kushal are two programmers on team. Two modelers are Shaveen and Yimang. Texture artist is Poan. Sound designer Bora.
More Worlds
Here are some more BVW world I have built with teammates through Jan.2012 to Apr.2012.